How To Never Run Out Of Anything To Say.
We all probably have been in a situation where you're alone with your friend or a friend of a friend and you just could not come up with anything to say.
You start getting nervous and start thinking about how awkward it's getting, and the silence isn't helping either. Now you're both just trying to run away with your minds, looking for something around you to talk about, but now it's impossible to get out of the state that you are in.

Growing up I was always the nervous and shy kid in the class. I would try to avoid any human interaction whatsoever. I didn't like that, I mean, no one does. The stress and effort it takes to talk about anything, that should not be hard.
Don't get me wrong, there are some people out there that you simply just cannot connect with, there is just nothing that you have in common, and that is something you can't do anything about.
For several years, yes, for several years I was looking for answers, reading books, watching movies and YouTube videos with no luck.
Then, it was a specific YouTube video, or it was more like a whole channel. That channel taught me a lot actually, that channel was Simple pickup.
Know I now, if you look up that channel, you might think, "what, that's just guys showing other guys how to pick up girls, and that's exactly what it is.. But I enjoyed it, it was funny, and those guys had some "social skills" that I later on got to use, outside, with real people, obviously.
Now, the one thing I learned from these guys was #nofilter. That sounds weird, let me explain.
#Nofilter was maybe the one thing that got stuck in my mind, about what it actually means and what my #nofilter was. I believe we all have different types of 'nofilter'. I want you all to think about it, what is your 'nofilter'? Now, what does this all mean?
Well, we all have some kind of filter that we use to filter out what we think about and say to another human being, and how well we try to present ourselves. Now think about what would happen if you just discarded that idea, or that 'filter', you would simply be with no filter!
With no filter to filter out the "embarrassing" stuff you think about or subjects you normally wouldn't talk to anyone about, you are just you. And that is what would make us, the idea that we can say what we think with nothing blocking that, just being our most authentic selves.
That would also be considered attractive by some people. You will attract/draw people to you that way because of the way you talk, people will love your personality!
And by achieving that, you really lose the ability to give a single fu*k about other peoples opinions, and THAT is freedom my friend.

Don't get me wrong, there are some people out there that you simply just cannot connect with, there is just nothing that you have in common, and that is something you can't do anything about.
For several years, yes, for several years I was looking for answers, reading books, watching movies and YouTube videos with no luck.
Then, it was a specific YouTube video, or it was more like a whole channel. That channel taught me a lot actually, that channel was Simple pickup.
Know I now, if you look up that channel, you might think, "what, that's just guys showing other guys how to pick up girls, and that's exactly what it is.. But I enjoyed it, it was funny, and those guys had some "social skills" that I later on got to use, outside, with real people, obviously.
Now, the one thing I learned from these guys was #nofilter. That sounds weird, let me explain.
#Nofilter was maybe the one thing that got stuck in my mind, about what it actually means and what my #nofilter was. I believe we all have different types of 'nofilter'. I want you all to think about it, what is your 'nofilter'? Now, what does this all mean?
Well, we all have some kind of filter that we use to filter out what we think about and say to another human being, and how well we try to present ourselves. Now think about what would happen if you just discarded that idea, or that 'filter', you would simply be with no filter!
With no filter to filter out the "embarrassing" stuff you think about or subjects you normally wouldn't talk to anyone about, you are just you. And that is what would make us, the idea that we can say what we think with nothing blocking that, just being our most authentic selves.
That would also be considered attractive by some people. You will attract/draw people to you that way because of the way you talk, people will love your personality!
And by achieving that, you really lose the ability to give a single fu*k about other peoples opinions, and THAT is freedom my friend.
